

1. How many locations

The first step in a YouTour is to find out how many locations you want to showcase. Do this by creating a 'dream list' of potential areas and send this through to our sales team: 

Our team can then assist you with shrinking your locations list to a reasonable amount.


How to Plan Your YouTour Shoot

This will highlight how you should go about planning your YouTour shoot. This includes assessing how long the YouTour will take to film, and also what to inform any other staff or students.

2. How Many Days?
Each location takes 30 minutes to capture meaning our team can achieve 8-9 locations in any given day. If you have a boarding house we can do 4-5 locations after school from 3:30pm in addition to the 8 locations already filmed during the day.

7 9%20Point
10 15%20Point
15 20%20Point
20 25%20Point

Amount of days depending on points selected


Our ever changing world requires your child to be an Agile Thinker. Here at Riverleigh we give your child the necassary life skills and soft skills to better communicate and engage with the world around them. Creating the next generation of Thinkers, Inventors and Leaders.

1. Drone Fly Downs

Allow between 30 mins to 1 hour for filming our drone fly down shot. Schedule this for a 'gap' in the day where you have nothing else scheduled.

2. 30 Minutes per Location

Each Location takes 30 minutes to capture and that includes the classroom setup time, Fly through filming and 360 capture.

Connecting Shots

Outdoor fly through connecting shots between buildings can be captured at morning tea and lunchtime. 

Location Order

Locations do not need to be filmed in order as our software can assemble the tour regardless of the order it was captured in. So feel free to schedule in any order that is convenient.

Crew Call around 7:30-8:00am

We start the first day at anytime between 7:30-8:00am and over a coffee, we survey the route, review the schedule, and note areas for maintenance. This is done to ensure we are all on the same page and only occurs on the first day of the shoot.

Operating Hours

We are happy to film before and after school hours 5am-10pm to capture any programs or classes that you wish to include that run at these times (for example: orchestras, sports trainings etc.)

Offsite Locations

If you have an offsite oval or facility within 1 hr of your campus this will be fine to capture during the day. If you have an outdoor campus 3 hrs away this would need to be filmed on a seperate day to allow for travel time.

Crew Lunch break

It is essential our team gets a break during the day. At least 30 minutes at around lunch or just after lunch. This way we can keep our energy going!


A typical YouTour filming day looks like this:


Teacher Support

Send out an Email from an executive level (Principal or Head of School) asking all teachers to get behind the Virtual tour. Giving them dates and an example of what you are accomplishing (example tour:


Property Services

Please contact property services to notify them of the filming to do an an extra spruce up of the grounds before the shoot. Most schools have immaculate grounds to begin with, but this is just a tip in case you have any scheduled maintenance or skip bins around the place.


Staff Member always present

You or your assistant need to accompany us on campus to give feedback on various aspects like uniforms and room setup, ensuring everything looks great and also for health and safety.



If it rains, we still film your interior YouTour shots; and exterior scenes are rescheduled. This will not effect the final look of your YouTour, as we have filmed about 40% of our tours in rainy conditions and then came back on a sunny day for the exterior shots and no one can tell the difference.


Comfy Clothing/Shoes

it's important you wear comfy shoes and clothing as there is lot's of walking around during the day.


Privacy & Compliance

All of our clients carry around a 'Permissions' list so that they can check to see if there is a student with no filming permissions in the class we are about to capture. We have had no issues with this and film in Canberra and Wellington where 50% of the students don't have permission due to Diplomatic connections, and we still get the shoot done with no issues. 


Download Schedule Template

This template .docx file will help you to schedule your YouTour and see how other schools have done theirs.

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